Young Dumb and Very Broke

3 min readNov 9, 2021
The background shows you that I am certainly not wealthy, but my clothes scream put together…which is a lie.

How often do you hear the phrase “Young, dumb, and broke”? At least a couple times a month. As a college student I hear it probably about two to three times a week…from my own mouth. That is my life, minus the dumb part. See I would only be dumb if I wasn’t aware of the fact that I am broke. I however, am very self aware. I know that I am so incredibly broke that the other day I was driving past the gas station saw the price and stayed at home for two days. TWO DAYS. I emailed my professors and said that I had a family emergency come up so I would not be able to make it in, just so I could wait a couple days to save money on gas. Yes, I did pray about it and I think that the big man understood. I am so broke that I took two pairs of jeans and combined them to make one pair of cool and trendy patched jeans. Now, I understand that most people would call me resourceful and something along the lines of a “recycle queen” but in reality it was just blind ambition. I wanted to block out the fact that I needed to make my car payment and go to classes and clock in for work, so I took scissors to two pairs of jeans and prayed for a miracle. I see these thrift accounts on Instagram where they sell these clothing items for like upwards of $50-$60 and I am taking my middle school jeans and trying to make something work for me so I can fit in on a campus no one knows me at. In high school I had this image of myself in college like living the dream with friends and parties and all these memories, no. I’m at the plasma donation center twice a week with a needle up my arm to make an extra $20 so I can have money to buy Christmas presents this year. Do not go insulting my plasma money though, I don’t see you making $20 for just sitting in a chair. The downside of this is that I look like a heroin addict. I have this nice little scar and scab on my arm that is obviously a needle prick. However, if anyone were to ask me about drugs I would simply explain “Drugs scare me, and if I was going to spend that much money on a substance it would be food and I would be taking myself out for hibachi.” Which brings me to my last complaint about being broke. I have a rich mindset. Which is I think more dangerous that drugs. Like I can convince myself that I have so much more money than I really do. I don’t have a boyfriend, so I feel the need to spoil myself so that when I do get one I have better standards. I will take myself out to SIT DOWN restaurants and justify my actions by saying “I had a long week”. In which case I did have a hard week, if you close your left eye squint a little bit and ignore the fact that it’s a lie. Needles to say, I deserve to have someone cook my steak in front of me and put on a show with a choo choo onion train. UGH! I think that is my one goal in life. A boyfriend who can be broke too, but maybe uses his plasma money to take me out for hibachi one time.




My name is Jolie-Kay and I am just your average college student. I am not creative, unique or outgoing. I am however relatable, and this is my chaotic life!